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turner.ru is a portal of children's orthopedy&traumatology

turner.ru is the children's orthopedic hospital,G.I.Turner. The portal of children's orthopedy and traumatology.It is the forum for doctors and patients to speak freely about congenital defromation and traumatology. Discussion of congenital of childern with congenital deformation and implement a system to support them.
"Attracting attention of society to the needs of disabled children, i feel that i comply their desire, the desire that cultural developed country Russia shared some part of its cultural heritage with them".

..G.I.Turner, 1910 year.

Henry I Turner - one of founders of domestic orthopedy, the organizer and the head (since 1900) the chair first in Russia and orthopedy clinic, the honoured worker of a science of Russia (1927). For the first time in Russia he has brought up a question on necessity of the systematic state help to children-cripples. It is a lot of forces and energy has given Genry I Turner to business of rendering assistance to children, suffering physical defects, to restoration of work capacity of children-cripples. It supervised many years over work of a children's shelter in Petersburg (12 Lahtinsky street) which in 1932 has been transformed to Scientific research institute of children's physical inability of G.I.Turnera. This institute became the organizational and methodical centre of struggle against children's physical inability in our country.

"FGU Research children's orthopedic institute, G.I.Turner Russian medical Technologies" "Research children's orthopedic institute, G.I.Turner Russian medical Technologies" is unique special medical-scientific establishment of federal importance in the country on rendering assistance to children and teenagers with the congenital and got pathology of the support-motor locomotor apparatus. Based in 1932 on the basis of a charitable Shelter for children of the cripples-paralytics, created in 1890 with assistance of the great orthopedist � professor G.I.Turner, the institute possesses unique experience of scientific and clinical work, for successes in which and in connection with the fiftieth anniversary in 1982 it has been awarded the order the Labour Red Banner. Being head establishment on a problem �Children's orthopedy and traumatology�, within a year the institute clinic accepts on treatment more than 1,5 thousand children and teenagers with diseases of the oporno-impellent device.

Translated by Arthur Smirnov

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